Kramer Quote #985

Quote from Kramer in The Merv Griffin Show

Kramer: It's the Merv Griffin set
Jerry: How did you get this in here?
Kramer: Oh, you just bring it in sideways and [clicks tongue] hook it.
Jerry: So where are you gonna sleep?
Kramer: The backstage.
Elaine: Phew! This chair smells like garbage.
Kramer: Oh, well a lot of the stars from the 70's, they were not as hygienic as they appeared on TV. Yeah, you can take Mannix for example.
Jerry: [phone rings] I'm gonna get that.
Kramer: All right. Well, Jerry, we'd love to have you back anytime. Well, Elaine Benes! Well, it's great to have you! Why, is it possible that you are even more beautiful than the last time I saw you?


 ‘The Merv Griffin Show’ Quotes

Quote from J. Peterman

J. Peterman: That noise. That's the noise.
Elaine: What?
J. Peterman: That infernal rattling sound that has plagued me these past two days, and I could not find the source. In my office, in the hallway. Even in the men's room. Shame on you, Elaine!
Elaine: No, no, Mr. Peterman that wasn't me!
J. Peterman: That reminds me of the Haitian Voodoo rattle torture! You haven't gone over to their side have you?
Elaine: No, Mr. Peterman.
J. Peterman: Because, if I hear one more rattle - just one - you're out on your can. And if you are undead, I'll find out about that too.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: Oh, Elaine Benes. Well, this is quite a thrill, yes. Come on sit down. Yes.
Elaine: Well, I'll tell you, this sidler guy is really chapping my hide.
Kramer: Excuse me. Yeah, we're talking this way.
Elaine: Well, he's getting credit for work I did. He's gonna sidle me right out of a job.
Kramer: Now, for those of us who don't know, uh, sidling is what?
Elaine: Kramer, what is wrong with you?
Kramer: What do you mean?
Elaine: Well, for starters, you're looking at note cards.

Quote from Kramer

George: Jerry?
Kramer: Oh. Hey. [plays entrance music] Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's our good friend, George Costanza! What a surprise! [Kramer encourages Jerry and Elaine to move up a seat] Yeah, sit, sit, sit. Well. [claps]
George: Well, it happened again.
Jerry: What happened?
Kramer: Eh, eh, eh. I'll ask the questions. What happened?
George: Well, I just stomped some pigeons in the park. They- They didn't move.
Kramer: All right, let's change the subject. [to George] Now, uh you and Jerry dated for a while. Tell us ... what was that like? That was the wrong card.
George: I don't get these birds! They're breaking the deal. It's like the pigeons decided to ignore me!
Jerry: So they're like everyone else.
Kramer: [laughs loudly] All right, let's take a short break. [eats chips, sips cola] Okay. [checks watch] We're back!