Frank Costanza Quote #53
Quote from Frank Costanza in The Rye
George: Thank God that's over.
Estelle Costanza: The mother seems to hit the sauce pretty hard. I didn't like that.
Frank Costanza: And who doesn't serve cake after a meal? What kind of people? Would it kill them to put out a pound cake? Something.
George: So, they didn't give you a piece of cake? Big deal.
Estelle Costanza: It is a big deal. You're supposed to serve cake after a meal. I'm sorry, it's impolite.
Frank Costanza: It's not impolite. It's stupid, that's what it is. You gotta be stupid to do something like that!
Estelle Costanza: Your father's absolutely right. We're sitting there like idiots drinking coffee without a piece of cake!
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Rye’ Quotes
Quote from Frank Costanza
Frank Costanza: Let me understand. You got the hen, the chicken and the rooster. The rooster goes with the chicken. So, who's having sex with the hen?
George: Why don't we talk about it another time?
Frank Costanza: But you see my point here. You only hear of a hen, a rooster and a chicken. Something's missing!
Mrs. Ross: Something's missing all right.
Mr. Ross: They're all chickens. The rooster has sex with all of them.
Frank Costanza: That's perverse.
Quote from Frank Costanza
Frank Costanza: What is this thing anyway?
Mrs. Ross: It's Cornish game hen.
Frank Costanza: What is that, like a little chicken?
George: It's, uh, it's not a little chicken. [laughing] Little chicken. It's a game bird.
Frank Costanza: Game bird?
George: Yeah.
Frank Costanza: What do you mean? Like, you - you hunt it?
Mr. Ross: Yes.
Frank Costanza: How hard could it be to kill this thing?
Quote from Kramer
Jerry: What are you, outta your mind? Look at this. What did you buy here? You will never be able to finish all this stuff.
Kramer: Of course I will. These are all staples.
Jerry: A four-pound can of black olives? That's a staple?
Kramer: Lindsay olives, Jerry.
Jerry: A forty-eight pack of Eggo waffles. A gallon of barbecue sauce. Ten pounds of cocktail meatballs.
Kramer: $17.50. You can't beat that.
Jerry: Look...look at this can of tuna!
Kramer: Yeah. Star Kist, Jerry. Most tuna don't make their cut.
Jerry: This isn't for a person. This is for Biosphere 3.