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Quote from Elaine in The Cigar Store Indian

Ricky: Highlighter?
Elaine: Excuse me?
Ricky: To highlight the programs you plan to watch.
Elaine: Ah. Uh, look really... I'm just trying to read.
Ricky: Fine, okay. It's just, I've never seen a beautiful lady reading the Guide so far away from a TV. You must really like television.
[As the train is about to leave, Kramer rushes through the closing door. It shuts on his extended arm, holding out his gyro.]
Kramer: Elaine!
[A passenger walking by grabs Kramer's gyro. As Kramer removes his hand, the subway train moves on without him]
Ricky: Guess your boyfriend'll have to catch the next train.
Elaine: He's not my boyfriend.
Ricky: He's not? Interesting.

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