Todd Quote #134

Quote from Todd in My Princess

Carla: J.D., you're a parent now, you gotta be better prepared.
Turk: Yeah. That's why we just stocked up on extra baby oil lotion and diapers.
Todd: Why? Is there a party this week-end?
[everyone pauses]
J.D.: [v.o.] Recently we realized that with Todd, if we didn't move and stayed very quiet, he'd eventually get confused and leave.


 ‘My Princess’ Quotes

Quote from Dr. Cox

[fairy tale:]
Carla: Look, the battle has begun.
Dr. Cox: My name is Percival Cox. You're killing my friend. Prepare to die.

Quote from Ted

Dr. Kelso: Attention, dumb-dumbs. Many of you have been disregarding the hospital's 12-hour shift policy. Now, I don't care if you think your patients need you, when your shift is over, I want you to go home to your sad, empty lives. Tired doctors make mistakes, and the hospital is liable. Believe me, you do not want to find yourself in a court of law. Tell them what happens there, Ted.
Ted: Well, we'll all wear long black robes and beautiful white, curly wigs.
Dr. Kelso: That's England, Ted.
Ted: Are you sure?

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: That's a great diagnosis.
Elliot: What are her chances?
Dr. Cox: We've done all we can. Now she needs a new liver, we just... got to hope she gets one on time.
[fairy tale:]
Dr. Cox: [v.o.] And with the monster gone, all was once again well in Sacred Heartia. The Turla made peace with itself. Beautiful kites were flown. And the knight rode off to fight again. And the idiot and the princess? Well, they decided that their almost-kiss meant nothing. Because in the end, they were both idiots.
Jack: [v.o.] What about the maiden?
Dr. Cox: [v.o.] What do you think, Jack? She lived happily ever after.
[present, reality:]
Dr. Cox: Go to sleep. I love you very much.
Jordan: So?
Dr. Cox: So what?
Jordan: So did the girl make it? Did she get her liver in time? Is that how it really ended?
Dr. Cox: Let's just say, that's the way I'm telling it.