J.D. Quote #629

Quote from J.D. in My Choosiest Choice of All

[As Elliot and Sean kiss:]
J.D.: You've got something on your face.
Sean: What?
J.D.: [v.o.] The love of my life.
J.D.: You got it.


 ‘My Choosiest Choice of All’ Quotes

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Hey, you wanna play darts?
Danni: Sure.
J.D.: Great. Have fun, I'll be over here.
Danni: Do you even enjoy spending time with me?
J.D.: "Enjoy" is such a strong word. I- I'm used to it. You know, like cafeteria food, or the constant threat of terrorism.

Quote from Carla

Turk: She's already back with Sean.
Carla: How soon after you guys hooked up?
J.D.: About ninety seconds. What should I do?
J.D.: [v.o.] That was a huge mistake. Because the closer Turk and Carla got to their wedding, the more they became one of those annoying couples that thought they knew everything about relationships.
Both: Look, J..D.
Turk: You first, honey.
Carla: J.D., love is like a butterfly. Hold it too tight and you'll crush it.
Turk: Too loose and it flies away. [they kiss]

Quote from Janitor

[As the Janitor uses a step ladder to reconnect the alarm, he is so startled when it blares that he falls off the ladder]
Turk & Carla: Are you all right?
Janitor: Some hooligan keeps disconnecting the alarm. I told security to look into it? But no, no, they'd rather catch the guy who's stealing organs from the transplant ward. If I was a security guard around here, things would be different.
Carla: You really want to be a security guard?
Janitor: Who around here commands more respect than the men who wear blue and green?
Turk: The uniforms are black and gray.
Janitor: You got me. I don't see colors well. Happy now?