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Quote from Turk in My Full Moon

Turk: Mrs. Powell, your gall bladder surgery went terrific. However I can't discharge you until I'm sure your pipes are working. And since you said it's impossible for you to go number two outside of your house due to the fact that you're a nervous pooer...
Elliot: I feel you, sister.
Turk: I'm gonna have to ask you to pass gas.
Mrs. Powell: Excuse me?
Turk: [blows air]
Mrs. Powell: You know I don't do that.
Turk: Women fart.
Elliot: You know, we should go.
Turk: I know they do. 'cause I have a wife and a daughter, and they both fart. And she farts and I smelt it before.
It smells like hot dogs.

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