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Smoke Signals

‘Smoke Signals’

Season 6, Episode 1 - Aired January 7, 2020

After a near death experience, Moira considers giving up on her acting career. Meanwhile, Alexis is ready to leave for the Galapagos, while Patrick and David visit a potential wedding venue.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Okay, um, David? I also have something that I would like to say to you... as well.
David: Okay?
Alexis: I am sorry also, for rubbing my trip in your face. The truth is, is that I'm really gonna miss you.
David: Thank you. I'm going to miss you, as well.
Alexis: And I just feel so bad about standing in the way of your dream wedding. But maybe I should just, like, push my trip back by a month.
Stevie: Wow.
David: Okay. I am not having you push your trip back.
Alexis: No, I insist.


Quote from David

Alexis: Ew.
David: Oh my God.
Alexis: What is that?
David: It's like a thousand babies teething.
Stevie: Didn't he say there was a farm up the road?
Clive: Uh, that is correct. They process their pork on the first Sunday of every month, hence our discounted rates. Did I hear that the wedding was back on?
David: Hey. This is not a winner, Clive.
Alexis: Okay. I can't stop hearing it!

Quote from David

David: It sounded like a thousand Guinea pigs were being shoved into a wood chipper.
Johnny: Pork chops?
Patrick: Oh, no thank you.
David: I'll have my later, thanks.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Well, it sounds to me like you two dodged a bacon-wrapped bullet. I'll say it again... life is but a strand of happy accidents.
David: You've never said that before.

Quote from Patrick

Patrick: Hey, what if we got married here?
David: What if we got married under a highway overpass?
Patrick: I'm serious. This place means something to you guys. Put a tent in the back, string up some lights. You could make it beautiful.
David: I'll think about it.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Oh, in other news... your father was arrested for indecent exposure.
Alexis: Ew, I'm eating!
Johnny: Moira.

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