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Open Mic

‘Open Mic’

Season 4, Episode 6 - Aired February 27, 2018

To drum up business at Rose Apothecary, Patrick suggests hosting an open mic night. Meanwhile, Moira bears burden to Jocelyn and Roland's secret, and Alexis helps Johnny and Stevie with a marketing plan for the motel.

Quote from Ronnie

Jocelyn: Attention everyone, after much, much discussion, and a brief seance, Roland and I have decided...
Roland: We wanna know the sex of our baby, Moira! Oh boy.
Bob: Uh, could we hold off until I get Gwen on the phone?
Ronnie: Are we really still talking about this?
Roland: Ronnie, you don't have to stick around if you don't want to.
Ronnie: No, no I'm in it now.


Quote from Moira

Bob: Uh, Gwen has stopped her Pilates tape for this, so, uh, can we get a move on here?
Moira: Very well, then. It's a girl. [cheering]
Roland & Jocelyn: [in unison] Tammy!
Moira: Or a boy.
Roland: Huh?
Moira: Perhaps it's a boy.
Jocelyn: Wait, which one is it?
Moira: All of a sudden, expected attention has me doubting what I saw. I barely glanced at that paper. No. No, I very clearly remember, an M and an F, just can't recall which one was circled.
Roland: Well, could you try?
Moira: It's your fault! You told me to keep it a secret, and that's exactly what I did, even from myself.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Hey, so no presh, but the hot 10 I've given you has turned into a very hot 20.
Stevie: Yeah, I'm just a little overwhelmed right now.
Alexis: Okay, um, babe, I get it. You're probably thinking like, oh, is my foundation off by a shade? Am I wearing the wrong top? And the bottom line is, maybe.

Quote from Johnny

Johnny: So, I'm playing around with Ray, we took some shots with my hands outta my pockets, and he thinks with a little Photoshopping, they may turn out okay.

Quote from Alexis

Johnny: Okay, Stevie, I know this is a little overwhelming, but if you wanna grow the business, you gotta play the game.
Stevie: Maybe I don't wanna play the game. Maybe I don't wanna grow the business.
Alexis: Okay, Stevie, as SVP, and CEO of In-House publicity, growing the business is generally considered to be a good thing.

Quote from Stevie

Stevie: Right, but the more we grow the business, the more money we make. And the more money we make, the more likely you are to take off, and then I will be left here stuck with way more responsibility than I ever asked for.
Johnny: What would make you think I would walk away from this business?
Stevie: Aside from the fact that your wife talks about leaving every day?

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Okay, this is cute. This is cute. Ray should be seeing this. Ray! You should be seeing this. Johnny's looking half-normal.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Oh dear, you're awfully brave allowing your beau to indulge himself like this.
David: Okay, this was not my idea.

Quote from Alexis

Johnny: See Stevie, we're both up there, now.
Moira: Why isn't it just Rose Motel? The Rosebud makes it a sad stunted thing.
David: Okay, it's just that Budd is Stevie's last name.
Moira: Oh, oh that's nice then.
Stevie: Yeah, except it's Budd, with two d's, but...
Alexis: Okay, well that would just look insane. Also, I didn't know that.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Oh, um, not to brag, but this re-brand got me 77% on my final marketing exam.
David: Okay, have you ever gotten an A?
Johnny: Enough, David.

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