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Quote from Roland in Surprise Party

Roland: Hey. Sorry I'm late, Johnny. Had a little memorizing to do.
Johnny: Late for- Late for what, Roland? I don't know what you mean?
Roland: For Jocelyn's big shindig. I'm here to personally invite the two of you to, um, a, um, annual, um, elegant dress-up event that Jocelyn is hosting. Um, well, no, I'm not inviting you, but I'm saying we're- We'll see each other there at the very big event that Jocelyn is hosting. The whole town will go to this event. They'll all be dressed up and, um, did I did I say that it's a fundraiser? Oh, sorry, Johnny. Let me start over here.
Johnny: Why are you apologizing to me? You don't have to apologize to me.
Roland: No, no. It's a fundraiser for the thing with the children that- The- With the mouth. Uh, cleft palates, and , um, Joc' does it every year.
Johnny: Uh, Roland, you know what? We're- We're Probably just gonna be hanging around the motel on Saturday, you know.
Roland: Yeah, no, I'm sure. It's, uh, hard to look at those kids and all that, I get it.

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