Craig Quote #23
Quote from Craig in Flu Season 2
Craig: Well, good night, everyone. I'm going to go home and feel totally fine. Who am I kidding? I'm going to go home, put on a Macy Gray album, and cry in the mirror!
Donna: Why are you bummed?
Craig: Are you all blind? I want that job at Tom's Bistro.
Tom: Look, man, you know your stuff, but you're like a crazy volcano. You'd have to show me you can bring it down a notch.
Craig: I'll bring it down 1,000 notches if I have to!
Parks and Recreation Quotes
‘Flu Season 2’ Quotes
Quote from Leslie Knope
Andy: [on the phone] Well, I'd have to check but I'm pretty sure we can handle that. I do have... one question. [sneezes repeatedly without covering his face] Hold up.
Leslie Knope: Oh my God! Andy!
Andy: Sorry.
Leslie Knope: Andy! Are you getting sick? It's flu season again! I cannot get sick. Stock up on Kleenex. Don't touch your face. Don't touch anything. People are dropping like flies. We already had to quarantine Larry.
Jerry: Leslie, I don't feel good. Can't I just work from home?
Leslie Knope: The tent is your home now, Larry. We already forwarded your mail.
Quote from Ron Swanson
Dana: Some of our blueberry wine?
Ron Swanson: We make it right here at the vineyard. I don't drink alcohol from that portion of the color spectrum.
Ben: [drinks] Hey! Whew! Whoa. That's strong. Holy hell. That's a lot of alcohol.
Ron Swanson: We will take four bottles, please and thank you.
Quote from Leslie Knope
Andy: Well, I guess while you get your medicine, I'll just stroll through the candy aisles but won't get any.
Leslie Knope: You can buy two candies.
Andy: Two!
Kitty: Can I help you?
Leslie Knope: I have the flu. Super nauseated for a few days, a lot of barfing. It's a total disaster. Plus I have a ton of work to do, so I need the good stuff, the "Mariah needs to sing tonight" stuff.