Andy Quote #234

Quote from Andy in End of the World

Andy: I don't know. It seems a little crazy. Just crazy enough to work. Aah! Ahh! Oh, my face! My face! Is fine, Mikhail Petrov!
Jerry: Forget it, Macklin, you're too late-- I'm sorry, guys.
April: Jerry!
Jerry: I need my cheaters. I cannot see anyth-
Andy: You're doing really good, you're doing really good.


 ‘End of the World’ Quotes

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: [aside to camera] What religion am I? Well, I'm a practicing none of your [bleep] business.

Quote from Tom

Jean-Ralphio: [annoying call] T-Cups, we did it, baby. We built a company from the ground up.
Tom: And then we ran it into the ground.
Jean-Ralphio: Well, the important thing to remember is that it was a massive success. Remy Martin?
[aside to camera:]
Tom: Well, Entertainment 7Twenty is dead. It's up in company heaven. Along with, Blockbuster and Ask Jeeves. My company is no better than a company where you ask a fake butler to Google things for you.

Quote from Andy

[at the Grand Canyon:]
Andy: It's so much more beautiful than I could have ever even imagined.
April: Yeah. I'm trying to find a way to be annoyed by it, but... Coming up empty.
Andy: Thank you so much. I never would have ever done this without you. Thank you. Where's all the faces? Like the presidents.