Andy Quote #189

Quote from Andy in Jerry's Painting

Ben: Are you guys frying marbles?
Andy: We were checking to see if the fire alarm worked.
April: It doesn't.


 ‘Jerry's Painting’ Quotes

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: [aside to camera] I don't know how to explain it. Every time I look at it, I just think to myself, "What can't that centaur woman do?" Besides ride an escalator and drive a car. Art can be so magnificent.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: So for my painting, I chose one of my very favorite Greek myths, the centaur goddess Dyaphena slaying a great stag.
Ann: [clears throat] It's, uh, stunning.
Tom: It's breathtaking, Jerry.
Donna: Yeah. Really is.
Jerry: Wow. Thanks, guys.
Ann: Hey, Leslie, you should really come over here and look at Jerry's painting.
Leslie Knope: Oh. Oh, my God. That's me. Is that me?
Jerry: What? [chuckles] No. Oh, jeez, it does look like you.
Leslie Knope: You're just realizing that now?
Tom: That's what you see when you close your eyes at night, Jerry. Topless Leslie glued to a horse. [laughs]
Jerry: Okay, Leslie, I am just so, so sorry. Dyaphena, she is this powerful goddess. And I've been thinking a lot about powerful women. And subconsciously, I painted you. I'm sorry. I'm gonna take it right down.
Leslie Knope: No. Leave it up. I love it.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: Okay, everyone, shut up! And look at me! Welcome to Visions of Nature. This room has several paintings in it. Some are big. Some are small. People did them, and they are here now. I believe that after this is over, they'll be hung in government buildings. Why the government is involved in an art show is beyond me. I also think it's pointless for a human to paint scenes of nature when they could just go outside and stand in it. Anyway, please do not misinterpret the fact that I am talking right now as genuine interest in art and attempt to discuss it with me further. End of speech.