April Quote #35

Quote from April in Christmas Scandal

Leslie Knope: Oh, god. How do I fight back? Give me some options.
April: Do you want me to seduce Perd Hapley?
Leslie Knope: How would that help?
April: I don't know. I just want to see if I can do it.
Leslie Knope: April, I appreciate that, but I don't think it's something worth losing your virginity over.


 ‘Christmas Scandal’ Quotes

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: [aside to camera] In a 24-hour news cycle, the tiniest story gets dissected over and over again. In 2004, a kid from Pawnee went to the Olympics, and it was reported on for over a year. He wasn't even competing or anything. He just was going, literally, to watch the Olympics.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: [aside to camera] It's gotten a lot harder to work in government. You think Winston Churchill ever had to pull his pants down and show his butt? No. But would he have? Yes. Now, could he have? Maybe not towards the end of his life, but he would have. Because he loved his job.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: Oh.
Man: Yeah, I don't think kids should be allowed on the playground equipment.
Ron Swanson: Okay, we've been over this. If you're worried about swine flu, use hand sanitizer.
Man: I'm not worried about swine flu. I already had the swine flu. I'm worried about the turtle flu!
Ron Swanson: The turtle flu...
Man: Turtle flu.
Ron Swanson: Turtle flu.