Leslie Knope Quote #861

Quote from Leslie Knope in Bowling for Votes

Leslie Knope: Damn it.
Derek: Why are you mad? You bowled a strike.
Leslie Knope: That's how I motivate myself, you know? Never good enough. [clears throat] Let me get you a beer. Cool.
Leslie Knope: These beers are as cold as the Tuktoyaktuk Winter Road.
Derek: You watch Ice Road Truckers?
Leslie Knope: Yeah, dude. It's my guilty pleasure.


 ‘Bowling for Votes’ Quotes

Quote from Ron Swanson

Leslie Knope: Hey, Ron. Thanks for coming, man.
Ron Swanson: Of course. This bowling alley has my favorite restaurant in Pawnee.
[cut away to Ron looking contended in front of a restaurant menu which lists only Hot Dogs and Hamburgers for $1 and $1.35]
Ann: Really? You're not scared to eat here?
Ron Swanson: When I eat, it is the food that is scared.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: [aside to camera] Straight down the middle. No hook, no spin, no fuss. Anything more and this becomes figure skating.

Quote from April

April: [on the phone] Hello, is this Mrs. Gallivan? Well, my name is April, and wouldn't you know it, I'm raising money for a city council candidate I believe in. [cut] No, mira, mira, mira, mira, mira. It's, like, whatever you want. Like, $10. It don't matter. [cut; in Southern accent:] Well, I reckon it's just like grammy Martha told me and my cousins, "You can't eat the biscuits if you don't pay for the flour." [laughs, mouths words]