Leslie Knope Quote #837

Quote from Leslie Knope in Campaign Ad

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemens, the next city councilor for the great city of Pawnee Bobby Newport. [applause]
Bobby Newport: Hey. Thanks, guy. Hi, I'm Bobby Newport. You know, we're two days into this campaign, and so far it's going great. In fact, I don't know why they call it a "cam-pain." Because up until now it's been a "cam-pleasure." [laughter] All right, hey, why don't we line up for autographs and free Bobby bars. Huh? Who wants a Bobby bar?
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: Bobby Newport, heir to the Sweetums candy fortune. He just entered the race, and he's already 70 points up in all the polls. He is attractive and charming. And his family employs half the town, but so what? I am a lifelong government bureaucrat who's well-versed in the issues. And those are the kind of sexy qualifications that win elections.


 ‘Campaign Ad’ Quotes

Quote from Andy

Andy: E, h, 4, m. Potato shape. Coffee mug shape. Smudge, smudge, middle finger, smudge. The rest are all smudges.
April: Oh, my God, you drove us here.

Quote from Andy

April: Hey, Ann, are you still a nurse or did they fire you because you slept with all the doctors?
Ann: You wanna try that again?
April: Hey, Ann, are you still a nurse? Because Andy's not feeling well.
Ann: What's wrong, Andy?
Andy: Just got a headache. And I'm seeing double. And I got a song stuck in my head, and my teeth hurt. Also I'm hungry.
Ann: Okay, well, some of those things are symptoms and some of them are just being a person.

Quote from Tom

Ben: It's not a negative ad. We're stating facts about him, and, yeah, they happen to be negative because he's a bonehead.
Leslie Knope: Well, I wanted to run an ad that highlights the good things about me, not the bad things about somebody else. Tom, you are our communications director. Weigh in here.
Tom: Leslie, I love your idea. I also love your idea. Two great ideas, two great people.
[aside to camera:]
Tom: I don't know which idea's better, but I do know I'll end up on the winning side. When I bet on horses, I never lose. Why? I bet on all the horses.