Jerry Quote #25

Quote from Jerry in Harvest Festival

Leslie Knope: We all need to be very careful, okay? Remember, this little guy is 25 now. And he has cataracts in both eyes and he has severe arthritis. Jerry is going to look after him.
Jerry: Yes, I am. We are both on the same diabetes medication. Are you my Glucotrol buddy? Are you?


 ‘Harvest Festival’ Quotes

Quote from Donna

Donna: Are you gonna hit that?
Ann: Him? He isn't exactly boyfriend material.
Donna: Who said anything about a boyfriend? Use him, abuse him, lose him. That's the Meagle motto.
[aside to camera:]
Donna: Grammy Meagle taught me that. She died at the age of 84, sandwiched between two thirty-year-olds.

Quote from Andy

Andy: You know where I would hide if I was horse? The Merry-go-round. Think about it! You just stand still next to all the other horses and no one would ever know. It's the perfect crime.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Ben: Okay, this is bad, right?
Leslie Knope: Yeah, this is bad. This is like a poop tornado. This is like a poopnado. This is way worse than that. This is a huge government project, and already a lightning rod. And then you add the Wamapoke controversy. Double lightning rod.
Ben: Plus we lost that little pony.
Leslie Knope: It's a mini horse! And that's the third lightning rod. Triple lightning rod! And then you have the curse, quadruple lightning rod. This is a classic four rod disaster.
Ben: Oh, right, one of those.