Winston Quote #65

Quote from Winston in Fancyman, Part 1

Winston: Goldfinger! I mean, no, no. I meant to say Golden-Golden Hind! Golden Hind is what I meant to say.
Host: No.
Schmidt: Winston, you are all over the place. The Green Bay Packers did not invent the T formation, nor was Crispin Glover the first man to die in the Revolutionary War.
Winston: Shh.
Shelby: This is supposed to be fun.
Winston: Look, Babe, it is fun. I just don't want to look stupid in front of everybody. All right?
Shelby: You're not stupid.
Winston: Well, I mean, he did skip Earth when listing the planets.


 ‘Fancyman, Part 1’ Quotes

Quote from Schmidt

Jess: Yeah, Nick, he might pull the funding from the school, so I'm just a little bit...
Schmidt: Blame your period. I've actually done this before. I mean, both parties knew that I was lying, obviously, but it didn't matter because they knew that I had utterly humiliated myself, and at the end of the day, they respected that.

Quote from Nick

Jess: But you've always wanted a thing. This could be your thing, like, the guy with no phone.
Nick: Well, who is that guy? I don't want to be that guy.
Jess: No, no, no, it's like mysterious. It's like, "I want to call Nick Miller." "You can't. He doesn't have a phone." "What?!" You can go all Ghost Protocol on everyone.
Nick: See, that's cool. I mean, I always wanted to be a mole person.

Quote from Nick

Nick: This is the problem, Jess. It's rich people. We are right where they want us, Jess. Just suckling on the teat of consumerism.
Jess: Yeah.
Nick: That's the exact reason I got rid of my phone.
Winston: You were denied a cell phone because you have the credit score of a homeless ghost.
Nick: How I got here doesn't matter.
Winston: You weigh more than your credit score.
Nick: I'm here now, and I'm loving it.
Jess: Yeah.
Nick: I'm the guy with no phone. I mean, right now, I'm writing a letter to my friend, Kev, seeing if he wants to party with me this Friday. "What up, Kev? You in? Nick Miller."