Schmidt Quote #166

Quote from Schmidt in Fancyman, Part 1

Jess: I have to grovel. I hate groveling. I would have lasted two seconds in the court of the Sun King. I think about that all the time.
Nick: You do?
Schmidt: Do you know how much I grovel on a daily basis? It is literally obscene. Come the weekend, I'm the one who's filling up my cart with Fila, Nautica, Impulse Fila, Hilfiger, CK, BR Leather cuff, and more Fila.


 ‘Fancyman, Part 1’ Quotes

Quote from Schmidt

Jess: Yeah, Nick, he might pull the funding from the school, so I'm just a little bit...
Schmidt: Blame your period. I've actually done this before. I mean, both parties knew that I was lying, obviously, but it didn't matter because they knew that I had utterly humiliated myself, and at the end of the day, they respected that.

Quote from Nick

Jess: But you've always wanted a thing. This could be your thing, like, the guy with no phone.
Nick: Well, who is that guy? I don't want to be that guy.
Jess: No, no, no, it's like mysterious. It's like, "I want to call Nick Miller." "You can't. He doesn't have a phone." "What?!" You can go all Ghost Protocol on everyone.
Nick: See, that's cool. I mean, I always wanted to be a mole person.

Quote from Nick

Nick: This is the problem, Jess. It's rich people. We are right where they want us, Jess. Just suckling on the teat of consumerism.
Jess: Yeah.
Nick: That's the exact reason I got rid of my phone.
Winston: You were denied a cell phone because you have the credit score of a homeless ghost.
Nick: How I got here doesn't matter.
Winston: You weigh more than your credit score.
Nick: I'm here now, and I'm loving it.
Jess: Yeah.
Nick: I'm the guy with no phone. I mean, right now, I'm writing a letter to my friend, Kev, seeing if he wants to party with me this Friday. "What up, Kev? You in? Nick Miller."