Robby Quote #28

Quote from Robby in Last Thanksgiving

Robby: You-you tried to make Jess the seventh woman you're dating, and you don't even know the first thing about her. I mean, did-did you know that when she was six she tried to eat a lightning bug so that her heart would glow like E.T.? Did you know that she tried to give herself Lyme disease out of solidarity to her fourth grade classmate? Or-or that she never lets any of her electronics go below 25%, just in case someone else needs to use them? I mean, did you know... did you know that she's terrified of the large bubbles in the bubble wrap but she loves the little tiny ones? It's so cute, man. It would be one thing if you actually had feelings for Jess... I'm... I'm... [wobbles]
Nick: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Robby: Thank you. But you don't. Y-you're just desperate and lonely and you're trying to use her, and I... [wobbles] Oh, it's happening again.
Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Robby: Thank you. You can't use Jess, because she is a dream girl. Here's the last thing I'll say before I leave. Jess, I know it's not me, but... [sighs] you deserve somebody who knows how special you are. Um, I'm going. I'm going.
Jess: Don't go, Robby.
Robby: I'm not going out. I'm-I'm going down!


 ‘Last Thanksgiving’ Quotes

Quote from Nick

Schmidt: If we get her to take him back...
Nick: We'd be heroes.
Schmidt: That's right. [both laughing]
Nick: Look at that, Mom, I'm gonna be a hero.
Schmidt: Why are you looking up? Your mother is still alive.
Nick: I'm looking at Chicago.
Schmidt: You think Chicago is up?
Nick: It's north.

Quote from Robby

Winston: What you taking? Little boy blues? Yeah, I've been there. How many miggies you working with? Yeah, my pharmacist bumped me up to nine.
Robby: 1,400. Yeah. I have to take 18 pills an hour in a very specific order, and they virtually assured me that I will be addicted to them.

Quote from Nick

Winston: With the speed?! He like Mayweather with the knife!
Cece: Okay, what is going on? Because you don't even use a knife to eat a steak?
Nick: Well, my girl is coming. Of course my hands are dancing. These knives are a part of me like that, uh, scissor hand guy. What is his name again? Is it Rick Snip?