Schmidt Quote #30

Quote from Schmidt in Wedding

Jess: Schmidt! Schmidt! I need you to help me take these off so I can go find Nick!
Brooke: God, are you friends with that girl?
Jess: Schmidt?!
Schmidt: Look, I didn't want to have to tell you this but, she was a mistake I made when I hit rock bottom. It's like I was her Sid and she was my Nancy and then I got sober and she couldn't deal with it and the poor thing just went... She went crazy.
Jess: Schmidt, I need you to help me slap my thighs around!
Schmidt: I don't want to scare you, but she can be very dangerous when she drinks. Okay, I shouldn't even be in the same room as her, it's just, it feels so good talking to you.
Brooke: Maybe we should get you out of here.
Schmidt: What a great idea. Yes.
Brooke: I just have to go to the bathroom really quickly.
Schmidt: Whatever you need. Whatever... Yeah, of course.


 ‘Wedding’ Quotes

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: The chocolate fountain, it reminds me of the one in Tuscany, you ever been?
Brooke: Yeah, I was just there for New Year's, where's the chocolate fountain?
Schmidt: I don't know, I've never been, I'm just fascinated with the culture.

Quote from Nick

Schmidt: Oh, oh there's Brooke.
Jess: Who's Brooke?
Nick: He's been into her since freshman year. She used to get drunk and pass out on our front porch. It was like having a hot, alcoholic cat.
Schmidt: I'd always leave water out for her.

Quote from Winston

Winston: Yo, let's go, we can't be late, I am in the wedding.
Nick: You're the usher, so relax.
Winston: Yeah, I'll be busy. That way I won't have to sit around answering a bunch of stupid questions all day, like, "Do you have a job?", "Are you still playing basketball?". Does it look like I'm still playing overseas basketball?
Schmidt: What is the matter with you?
Winston: This is the first job I've had in, like, two months, dude, and I really just want get in there and ush this wedding in the face!