Jess Quote #1129

Quote from Jess in Last Thanksgiving

Jess: I feel mean telling him we're not dating when he's in this state.
Cece: It is a lot meaner to lead him on, okay? You got to drop the hammer.
Jess: I know. You're right. I'll do it next time I see him. I'm just dreading it. He's such a good egg. I mean, with his dad khakis and his glasses and his... his... his sweet little change purse.


 ‘Last Thanksgiving’ Quotes

Quote from Nick

Schmidt: If we get her to take him back...
Nick: We'd be heroes.
Schmidt: That's right. [both laughing]
Nick: Look at that, Mom, I'm gonna be a hero.
Schmidt: Why are you looking up? Your mother is still alive.
Nick: I'm looking at Chicago.
Schmidt: You think Chicago is up?
Nick: It's north.

Quote from Robby

Winston: What you taking? Little boy blues? Yeah, I've been there. How many miggies you working with? Yeah, my pharmacist bumped me up to nine.
Robby: 1,400. Yeah. I have to take 18 pills an hour in a very specific order, and they virtually assured me that I will be addicted to them.

Quote from Nick

Winston: With the speed?! He like Mayweather with the knife!
Cece: Okay, what is going on? Because you don't even use a knife to eat a steak?
Nick: Well, my girl is coming. Of course my hands are dancing. These knives are a part of me like that, uh, scissor hand guy. What is his name again? Is it Rick Snip?