Jess Quote #1006
Quote from Jess in A Chill Day In
Jess: Oh, my God, I... my hearing is, like, so good without my glasses on. I'm, like... a super hear-o. Just... eating up sounds with my ear mouths. Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. Oh, my God, wait till you try that. Put them on.
Cece: Okay.
Jess: It's like my hearing is, like, what a dog hears. I can hear the TV.
Cece: I can hear the TV.
Jess: I can hear the TV.
New Girl Quotes
‘A Chill Day In’ Quotes
Quote from Cece
Cece: The very fact that socks exist is proof that shoes don't work.
Quote from Winston
Winston: This is the happiest I've been in my entire life. I mean, look at my feet. Can't you see how happy I am?
Aly: Okay, you know I still technically have a boyfriend, right?
Winston: Oh, it's cool, I'm married.
Aly: What?
Winston: Oh, don't worry, it was a prank.
Aly: What?!
Quote from Jess
Jess: Welcome to your bachelorette party 2.0. I got... the nail polish.
Cece: Mm.
Jess: I got comfy socks.
Cece: Okay.
Jess: I have Canadian Broadcast Television's 1985 masterpiece, Anne of Green Gables.
Cece: Good ol' A.G.G.
Jess: But, oh, wait... who invited this little green chimney? I-it's a bong.
Cece: Yeah.
Jess: Oh, scoot, once every ten years, Jessica Day likes to partake in what the Native Americans call... cannabis.
Cece: That's Latin.
Jess: I like to call it Giggle Dirt.
Cece: You know, we really don't have to do this, because every time you smoke weed you almost die.