Quote from Jess in A Chill Day In
Jess: Welcome to your bachelorette party 2.0. I got... the nail polish. Cece: Mm. Jess: I got comfy socks. Cece: Okay. Jess: I have Canadian Broadcast Television's 1985 masterpiece, Anne of Green Gables. Cece: Good ol' A.G.G. Jess: But, oh, wait... who invited this little green chimney? I-it's a bong. Cece: Yeah. Jess: Oh, scoot, once every ten years, Jessica Day likes to partake in what the Native Americans call... cannabis. Cece: That's Latin. Jess: I like to call it Giggle Dirt. Cece: You know, we really don't have to do this, because every time you smoke weed you almost die.