Schmidt Quote #1024

Quote from Schmidt in The Apartment

Nick: It's not gonna end well for these two.
Schmidt: I wouldn't trust him to watch a ball pit.


 ‘The Apartment’ Quotes

Quote from Winston

Winston: Oh... new partner's here. Guys, as they say, when one chapter ends, a bridge appears, and then you cross that bridge and make lemonade out of a molehill.
Nick: Okay.

Quote from Aly

Aly: Screw you. Here's your crap: lucky crystal, key chain fart marker, over a hundred yogurt tops, your flattened penny collection, a signed copy of a Paul Reiser biography, baby carrot thumb drive, a picture of you and Dave Coulier, loose Pez, my mom's cell number, a ticket stub from Urinetown. When did you even see that? [holds novelty glasses] Why? Why?
Winston: Oh, have you... Have you tried 'em on?
Aly: Oh, and your Pure Mood CD. This thing makes me want to swim into a boat motor.

Quote from Nick

Nick: Me neither. I pick up all my deliveries at the port.
Schmidt: The what? At the port?
Nick: Yeah.
Schmidt: What are you doing at the port?
Nick: Picking up my deliveries. Listen.
Schmidt: You drive all the way down to the port?
Nick: Yes.