Jess Quote #782

Quote from Jess in Girl Fight

Jess: But that's not the only time I've been stranded, now, is it? I'm talking about Paris.
Cece: Oh, this is about Paris!
Jess: I'm talking about Paris.
Cece: I knew it!
Jess: We had signed a lease. That's an agreement. And then you decide to take a modeling job in Paris, so I had to move in with Spencer? While you were being squired about the Louvre, I was having to pee on top of Spencer's pee to conserve water!
Coach: You know, it's called mud-sharking, by the way.
Cece: It's not my fault!


 ‘Girl Fight’ Quotes

Quote from Jess

Jess: Cece just texted me a smiley face.
Schmidt: Is that bad?
Jess: No, she just texted me the world's first good smiley face. I'm gonna text her [chuckles] a yellow heart. No, uh, yellow heart, whale, thumbs up.
Schmidt: Well, that seems nice.
Jess: [gasps] How dare she? Chinese man, ballerina, apartment building?
Schmidt: What does that mean?
Jess: Fine! Poop. Turban guy. Granny.
Schmidt: Don't text her poop.
Jess: [gasps] Explosion, monkey-see? You want to play dirty? Fine. Slice of cake. Turtle.
Schmidt: Don't sen...
Jess: Oh. [gasps] Double syringe? Double syringe. You're right, Schmidt. Maybe it's time to dig up some berries. The gatherers have become the hunters. Be well.
Schmidt: Wh-Where are you... Where are going? L-Leave those berries be.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Well, congratulations on having sisters, but I know women. You blindfold me, spin me around and drop me into a rainstorm, and I'll still find the G-spot.
Coach: Schmidt...
Schmidt: Let us not forget that I had boobs for the first 19 years of my life. I grew up as a fat, asexual friend-zoner. You can't buy that kind of access.

Quote from Jess

Cece: What the hell just happened?
Coach: Fight.
Schmidt: Yeah. Now it's over. I barely even remember it.
Jess: I cannot believe you guys handle things that way. I'm starting to think that neither one of you read the Madeleine Albright biography I gave you for Christmas.