Schmidt Quote #787

Quote from Schmidt in Micro

Jess: This is what's wrong with men in this country. You all sit around all day and you read your porno magazines...
Coach: What's a porno magazine?
Jess: And you think that that's what women are supposed to look like. Well, I have news for you, okay? Real women are wonky.
Schmidt: Perhaps. But, like climate change, we pretend they don't exist.


 ‘Micro’ Quotes

Quote from Schmidt

Cece: Hey! Okay, so you guys are kind of bringing the bar vibe down, and I need tips, so... pretend that you're having fun or pay for me to go to college.
Schmidt: You know, if I could give that poor man some of my penis, I would. But, obviously, you don't pull a bumper off a Ferrari.
Cece: It did go fast, I'll give it that. [Coach snorts]
Schmidt: You know, when I look at that picture, I think to myself, "Is there a God? And if-if there is, did he run out of clay?"

Quote from Winston

Winston: It's like shooting candy into a baby.

Quote from Coach

Coach: Can you tell Schmidt that my portfolio is way better than his portfolio? I'm better wet, I'm better dry, my sexy baby is way more believable than his. Watch, look... mama change baby 'cause baby made a dirty...
Schmidt: Okay, mine is way more sexy. There are people lining up in the streets to have sex with my baby.
Coach: Liar!
Jess: I don't like this.
Coach: You can't use that photo, unless you're planning on posing for the tiny nipples of America foundation.
Schmidt: Yeah, you're one to talk, Little Miss Princess Waist!
Coach: Hey, I'm a 26! That's normal!
Nick: Yeah, in Asia.
Coach: Who's talking to you, depression-era garbage man? I've been holding that in for two years.