Bob Day Quote #37
Quote from Bob Day in San Diego
Jess: What about Priscilla?
Bob Day: What?
Jess: What? Come on.
Bob Day: No. No. I'm an old man. She doesn't want an old man. Look. I've got a Band-Aid on my hand. Not on the finger, the hand. That is an old-man thing.
New Girl Quotes
‘San Diego’ Quotes
Quote from Aly
Aly: You ended a relationship without any confrontation. You got what you wanted.
Nick: Then why do I feel so terrible?
Aly: Maybe you feel bad because your relationship with Reagan actually meant something to you, and you ended it like it didn't.
Nick: Right. I'm sorry I put you in the middle of this, Aly. But I'm also glad you were here 'cause I feel like we bonded.
Aly: It was one of the most frustrating days of my entire life. I'm exhausted. I feel like a single mom in a mop commercial.
Nick: Welcome to the loft.
Quote from Bob Day
Jess: Look, we're not in the same boat, okay? I can't move on. I love him.
Bob Day: Nick? What do you see in him? I mean, he looks like the only white waiter at a Chinese restaurant.
Quote from Schmidt
Schmidt: The time has finally come for me to launch my own brand.
Winston: Are you really not gonna turn around?
Schmidt: Not yet. This brand will be my legacy. [turns around] And this is where you come in.
Winston: Ooh! You had that timed right!
Schmidt: I'm going to start using my first name again.
Winston: Schmidt, I think that is a very bad idea.
Schmidt: I have no choice! When I was born, my parents gave me a name.
Winston: Don't do this, Schmidt. Ain't nothing but pain down that road.
Schmidt: It is the name that I was called for most of my life, and... I want my name back.
[Schmidt slides a name plate reading "Winston Schmidt" across the table]