Schmidt Quote #1161
Quote from Schmidt in Last Thanksgiving
Cece: Ugh. I'm so sorry, babe.
Schmidt: Yeah. No. I'm-I'm fine. Look, we don't wear sweaters and roll around in the leaves, but there are other ways for us to bond. If he wants to drink, then, you know what? I'm gonna drink. I'm gonna get sloppy with my poppy. Nick. Papa! Wait for me. Cece, get my bitters kit. Ooh, actually, can you just make sure that there's a garbage can next to the bed? Because... I can't hang.
New Girl Quotes
‘Last Thanksgiving’ Quotes
Quote from Nick
Schmidt: If we get her to take him back...
Nick: We'd be heroes.
Schmidt: That's right. [both laughing]
Nick: Look at that, Mom, I'm gonna be a hero.
Schmidt: Why are you looking up? Your mother is still alive.
Nick: I'm looking at Chicago.
Schmidt: You think Chicago is up?
Nick: It's north.
Quote from Robby
Winston: What you taking? Little boy blues? Yeah, I've been there. How many miggies you working with? Yeah, my pharmacist bumped me up to nine.
Robby: 1,400. Yeah. I have to take 18 pills an hour in a very specific order, and they virtually assured me that I will be addicted to them.
Quote from Nick
Winston: With the speed?! He like Mayweather with the knife!
Cece: Okay, what is going on? Because you don't even use a knife to eat a steak?
Nick: Well, my girl is coming. Of course my hands are dancing. These knives are a part of me like that, uh, scissor hand guy. What is his name again? Is it Rick Snip?