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Quote from Jess in Helmet

Jess: Good night, Sam.
Sam: Uh, you got any place I can put this change?
Jess: [garbled by mouth guard:] Fahboh heh-mah. All right, sorry. [normally] I thought we had, uh, wrapped up the talking portion of the evening. Uh, football helmet.
Sam: You're a Bears fan?
Jess: Oh, you know, sometimes in life we collect things. Trinkets. Some sentimental, some not. Nick gave it to me. Is that, is that weird?
Sam: N-n-no, that's fine. I, uh, can't really believe I'm saying this, 'cause Nick being in your life has definitely been hard for me, but I'm getting used to it.
Jess: [garbled by mouth guard:] That makes me so happy.

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