Adrian Monk Quote #2636

Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Goes Camping

Lieutenant Disher: Sorry I'm late.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Don't tell me. All right, tell me.
Lieutenant Disher: It's an outreach program. The a department's sponsoring it. It's called "Buddies in Blue."
Captain Stottlemeyer: And?
Lieutenant Disher: You know, kids in the city sending time with cops. I'm taking four kids camping this weekend. It's gonna be so much fun. Everybody's gonna get a badge.
Adrian Monk: Almost everybody.


 ‘Mr. Monk Goes Camping’ Quotes

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Adrian Monk: Wait a minute. P-300? Isn't that a fatality?
Lieutenant Disher: It was pretty ugly. The driver hit a tractor trailer head-on. He and his wife were both DOA.
Adrian Monk: And this was the car that had the bumper sticker? "Happiness is a choice."
Lieutenant Disher: Yeah, that's right. Well, actually it was on fire when I got there, so it was hard to read.
Adrian Monk: And this didn't deter you or make you think twice?
Lieutenant Disher: I mean, it was an epiphany, Monk. I mean, you can't just choose where you get it. I mean, it could be from a guru on a mountaintop or it could be from a bumper sticker on a burning Subaru.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Brian caught the fish. Possession is nine tenths of the law. That's the rule. In fact, when you're in the woods, it's ten tenths.
Nicky Phillips: Ten tenths? That doesn't sound right.
Adrian Monk: Yeah, rules don't have to sound right. That's another rule.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Brian Willis: What are we gonna do? He doesn't like the fish. He's gonna kill us! Do something.
Adrian Monk: [calmly] It's OK. It's OK. I'm very calm. We're very calm. Look how calm we are.
Brian Willis: He likes it. It's working. Keep talking, keep talking.
Adrian Monk: What do I say?
Brian Willis: I don't know. Tell him a story.
Adrian Monk: What? What story?
Brian Willis: It doesn't matter! He's a bear!
Adrian Monk: Okay. You're probably wondering what we're doing here. Here's what happened. See, an armored car was robbed, and the guard was killed, and the police recovered some shell casings from the crime scene. And if they could match them to the casings found in that clearing, they'd have an airtight case. [bear growls] Exactly. And those two men they weren't hunters, they were killers. They must've been target practicing up here, and someone must've spotted them. Maybe a park ranger. That's why they came back. 'cause they knew that those shell casings could tie them to the crime scene. [bear goes away]
Brian Willis: I guess it got bored. Nice work.
Adrian Monk: It's what I do.