Adrian Monk Quote #677

Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month

Woman: Excuse me, where is the paint thinner?
Adrian Monk: Aisle two, back of the store.
Woman: Thank you very much.
Adrian Monk: Have a Mega Mart day.


 ‘Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month’ Quotes

Quote from Sharona

Captain Stottlemeyer: It's pretty routine. An industrial accident.
Lieutenant Disher: Yeah, her name was Edna Coruthers. The manager says she was a model employee, first one here, last one to leave. He figured she was checking on a delivery for a customer and, uh, a 42-inch flat-screen TV fell on her. She was killed instantly.
Sharona: That's horrible. Does the TV still work?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Sharona, the TV just killed a woman.
Sharona: What are you going to do, lock it up?

Quote from Benjy Fleming

Benjy: We're pouring two jigsaw puzzles out, 500 pieces each. Now we're mixing them together. Okay, open your eyes. Ready Go.
Rudy: Is he a robot?
Benjy: No, he's a person.
Rudy: Wow. What else can he do?
Benjy: He vacuums a lot, and he solves murders.
Rudy: You could sell tickets to this.
Benjy: I know, I know. I want to, but my mom won't let me. He's her boss.
Sharona: Benjy, what are you doing? He's not a toy.
Benjy: He doesn't care. He likes it. Don't you, Mr. Monk?

Quote from Dr. Kroger

Adrian Monk: You stole a granola bar. You took a bite and you put it in your pocket.
Dr. Kroger: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Adrian, that- That really hurts me.
Adrian Monk: It hurts me, too.
Dr. Kroger: I am not a thief. I had that bar with me when I went into the store. I- I carry them in my pocket all the time just to keep up my energy.
Adrian Monk: Uh-huh. Yeah. So there's, um there's one in your pocket right now?
Dr. Kroger: Yes, Adrian, there is one in my pocket right now, and I hope I do not have to take it out to prove it to you.
Adrian Monk: I- I...
Dr. Kroger: You know, Adrian, I see this all the time. I work with cops, I work with ex-cops. You... You see terrible things. People lie to you. After a while, you don't believe anything.
Adrian Monk: I- I- I- I- I...
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, you're going to have to make the leap. You're going to have to trust. Otherwise, you're going to be completely alone, and I hope that that doesn't happen to you.
Adrian Monk: You're right. I'm sorry.
Dr. Kroger: All right. Okay, let's, um talk about the case.
Adrian Monk: A woman was killed in the store. Officially, it's been called an accident.
Dr. Kroger: You're working in the store.
Adrian Monk: Yes. It's going pretty well. Mr. Donovan, the shift manager, said he might move me up to register one.
Dr. Kroger: [starts eating granola bar] Mm-hmm.
Adrian Monk: Oh. [chuckles] Thank God. [Dr. Kroger chuckles] Of course I- I knew it. I knew it all along.
Dr. Kroger: Of course you did. Yeah.