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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk's 100th Case

Jimmy Belmont: I worked on my plan for a month.
James Novak: Really?
Jimmy Belmont: My plan was perfect.
Hal Tucker: I had a good plan too. I was very proud of my plan.
Joey Krenshaw: Check this out. I find a dead daredevil on the side of the road. I knocked my cousin out, put him in the daredevil costume, and threw him off a roof.
Hal Tucker: That was you?
Joey Krenshaw: Yeah. Oh, that was good.
Joey Krenshaw: Well, thank you. Yeah, yeah. Any other cop never would have figured it out.
Jimmy Belmont: That was brilliant, man.
Joey Krenshaw: Thanks.
Hal Tucker: Hey, remind me, didn't you, like, kill a pig and then prop a jeep up on a salt lick or something?
Jimmy Belmont: It wasn't a jeep. It was a pickup truck.
Hal Tucker: Still, it's pretty fantastic.
James Novak: So you all had fantastic plans. So what happened?
Jimmy Belmont: Adrian Monk.
Hal Tucker: Yeah, Monk.
Joey Krenshaw: Monk happened. The guy is relentless.
Hal Tucker: Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick.

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