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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Actor

Dr. Kroger: Adrian, please don't be hard on yourself. Now, I think maybe we should go back to the three days a week for just a little while. That would be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Adrian Monk: And Tuesdays.
Dr. Kroger: Tuesday would be four days a week, Adri- Okay. No, I can see that. You know, just until you're back on your feet.
Adrian Monk: And Thursdays.
Dr. Kroger: Well, now, Thursdays is five days a week, Adrian. [Adrian sobs] Okay, that way, five days a week, that would be easier to remember.
Adrian Monk: And Saturday.
Dr. Kroger: Well, Saturday is the weekend, Adrian. And I don't like to see patients on the weekends.
Adrian Monk: Saturday.
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, I have a family. And I like to keep the weekends free.
Adrian Monk: Saturday.
Dr. Kroger: Saturday. Okay, fine. We'll try that for a week or two. So that would be Monday, Tuesday...
Adrian Monk: And Sunday.

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