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Quote from Natalie in Mr. Monk Goes to a Wedding

Peggy Davenport: It's, it's not her. Her hair is different.
Natalie: Mom, she dyed her hair blond and cut it.
Peggy Davenport: It's not her. This is the happiest day of his life. Why are you doing this to your brother?
Natalie: I'm doing this for Jonathan. Mom, this explains everything. Why she has no family, why she has no friends.
Peggy Davenport: Because her best friend is sick and her parents happen to be dead.
Natalie: Did you read this article? She killed her first husband for his money. She might be planning to do it again.
Peggy Davenport: No, no. No, no, no. Cancel, cancel. I don't believe it.
Adrian Monk: Mrs. Davenport, Randy Disher was the investigating officer 6 years ago. He could identify Theresa. That's why she tried to run him down when he first got here.
Peggy Davenport: I'm sorry. But that is simply preposterous.
Natalie: Yesterday, she called him Sergeant Disher. He was a sergeant when she knew him 6 years ago.

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