Phil Quote #1834

Quote from Phil in Dead on A Rival

Phil: [loudly] Oh, while I'm here, I'm gonna see if we have any Tang! [quietly] I don't want to go to space, Claire! I'm terrified! What happens if I break something and we can't breathe? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I can't breathe right now. [loudly] Honey, calm down! The Russians know what they're doing! [quietly] I'm going to die up there!
Claire: Just tell him you don't want to go.
Phil: This is such an amazing gift, it'll crush him. Plus, I'll look like a coward in that documentary.
Claire: You're right, we don't want to see this on film. I'm taping over it already in my mind.
Phil: You've gotta shut this down.
Claire: What?!
Phil: Help me, Claire. You're my only hope.
Claire: Fine. But if I do this, you're not allowed to quote "Star Wars" to me anymore.
Phil: I love you.
Claire: I know.


 ‘Dead on A Rival’ Quotes

Quote from Javier

Manny: Hey, Dad!
Javier: There's my boy! [laughs] Whee! Someone has been wearing my custom-made cologne... Javier! For the man who wants to smell a little bit like a woman.

Quote from Phil

Phil: [aside to camera] Today, our old neighbor-turned-tech-titan, Kenneth, is coming to visit. And he says he has a "big surprise" for me. I don't know if the super rich have access to time travel, but if they do, I'm going back to the '90s.
Claire: Ooh, to buy a whole bunch of Amazon stock?
Phil: No! I'm going to tell Felicity not to cut her hair.

Quote from Gloria

Javier: Gloria, dime... why are you suddenly so on board with this trip?
Gloria: I've sheltered him for too long. He needs something real that he can write about. Take him to the seediest bars, introduce him to con men. Let him taste danger. But not shrimp, because it makes his eyelid feel funny. [sees Joe putting on a hat] No, señor! The cycle ends here!