Claire Quote #356
Manny: That's private.
Claire: Oh, sorry. But why do you have all of our names down on a list?
Manny: It's for my school essay. Pick a hero in your family and write about why you've chosen him or her. You're still in the running, but I'm not loving that you're drinking wine while watching my brother.
Claire: Well, it was from an open bottle of white in your fridge, so...
Manny: It's about judgment, Claire. It's not the '70s. We know better.
Claire: There was lipstick on the bottle.
Modern Family Quotes
‘My Hero’ Quotes
Quote from Haley
Haley: Another brochure from a community college. You know, I bet Mom is having them send these.
Alex: Really? You don't think they've targeted you as a must-have recruit?
Haley: At least this one doesn't have that fakey lunchtime shot of the black guy, Asian girl, and an Indian- Oh, wait! There it is. Wow, that wheelchair kid is really cracking everybody up.
Quote from Phil
Phil: Knees bent. Arms loose. Chin up. Butt out.
Gloria: Ay, no, Phil. This is too much.
Phil: No, just remember, "kbalcubo."
Gloria: Huh?
Phil: K-b-a-l-c-u-b-o. "Koala bears always lose cherries under big overpasses."
Quote from Manny
Manny: [aside to camera] What qualifies someone as a hero? Obviously, a hero has to be someone we respect. A person we look up to. A person who is generous of spirit. Who's willing to grow and learn. Maybe it's the person you love most in the world or the guy who makes the most out of life, no matter what anyone thinks. The hero in my family is my family, because of who we are together. "C-. This was not the assignment." I'll tell you who is not my hero. Mrs. Rita McNabb.