Cameron Quote #402
Quote from Cameron in Send Out the Clowns
Mitchell: Well, what do you see in that guy, Cam?
Cameron: Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that he doesn't roll his eyes every time I talk about the art of clowning. Like that. He may have had his faults, but we were great together. We had an unspoken language. We finished each other's balloon animals.But you would never know, because you have never been to one of our performances.
Mitchell: Birthday parties.
Cameron: You hate my clown side.
Mitchell: No. No. No. I don't hate it.
Cameron: Just admit it. I basically already know you do.
Mitchell: Okay. Okay. Cards on the table. It's not my favorite thing that you-
Cameron: Oh, how dare you? I am a clown. It's who I am! If you squeeze me, do I not honk? Eye roll!
Mitchell: Oh, like I had a choice!
Modern Family Quotes
‘Send Out the Clowns’ Quotes
Quote from Cameron
Cameron: [aside to camera] This week, the world lost a great man, and I lost a mentor. For nearly 60 years, Professor Ringmaster Al Uzielli helped young hopefuls like me find their clown persona.
Mitchell: "Professor Ringmaster"?
Cameron: It's a very prestigious title at Clown College. One step below Piemaster General.
Quote from Gloria
Jay: Kids are looking for role models. Why do you think Fonzie was so popular?
Gloria: He told people that they were rich, but really took their money with his scheme?
Jay: No, that's a- Yes. Those people were victims of a Fonzie scheme.
Quote from Manny
Manny: Salutations, Wyatt. I'm so glad you're joining me for an afternoon of mirth.
Manny: Ah, good evening, Reuben-San. May I ask you to remove your shoes? Tonight, we are going Japanese.
Manny: Ah! Hebalaboo ridabeley lai mubay rumboo. I invented a new language this morning.