Mitchell Quote #911

Quote from Mitchell in We Need to Talk About Lily

Cameron: No, no, no, no, no, no. Take those things off, please. We need to talk about whatever's going on with you right now.
Lily: I'm fine.
Mitchell: No, you're not fine. You're sullen and aloof and... And you embarrassed us in front of KimmyLoveandStu... I can't say it again. I can't.


 ‘We Need to Talk About Lily’ Quotes

Quote from Lily

Cameron: Okay, we gave you every tween girl's dream day, and... and you can barely crack a smile.
Lily: It's not my dream day. It's yours. I'm not the same kind of tween girl you guys are.
Cameron: But we love all the same things.
Lily: I've changed. I don't like Beyoncé.
Both: [gasp]
Mitchell: You take that back!
Lily: Or Britney.
Both: [gasp]
Lily: Or Gaga.
Both: [gasp]
Lily: I only fake it 'cause you guys like that stuff. I'm different.

Quote from Phil

Claire: Please, just be home in time. I don't want to crush a man's dreams on my own. You have to do it with me.
Phil: Who knows? We might love his invention.
Claire: It's gonna be stupid.
Phil: Good thing you weren't married to George Foreman or we'd still be grilling our meats one side at a time.

Quote from Pepper

Phil: Lovely night.
Pepper: What are you doing here?
Phil: I called Ronaldo looking for you.
Pepper: I come to this place when life turns out not to be a musical. I'm up here a lot.
Phil: I'm sorry I yelled at you.
Pepper: Well, Phil, you're not the first person to find me a tad trying. This may shock you, but I don't have many friends. Express some shock, Phil.