Cameron Quote #404
Quote from Cameron in Send Out the Clowns
Cameron: Ladies and germs, boys and girls, say hello to my good friend Little Fizbo! Hello, big people!
Cameron: Let's get this party started! Wow, all this dancing sure has made me hungry! Wish I had something to eat! Oh, forgot I had that fish over there. Don't know why he's so mad at me! He was fine just a minute ago. Ohh! Okay! Somebody's a little punchy today! Oh. Hey. What's the frying pan doing here? When did we add a frying pan to the act? We don't need-- Nope! Don't need the frying pan! Why are you doing that? Stop doing that.
Lewis: Screw you, you traitor.
Cameron: Ow! That hurts! Seriously, stop it!
Lewis: Know what hurts? Abandonment. Listen to 'em laughing. We could have been something. We could have been some- I can't do this bit by myself!
Cameron: Somebody! Somebody! This isn't pretend! Someone grab an adult, please!
Modern Family Quotes
‘Send Out the Clowns’ Quotes
Quote from Cameron
Cameron: [aside to camera] This week, the world lost a great man, and I lost a mentor. For nearly 60 years, Professor Ringmaster Al Uzielli helped young hopefuls like me find their clown persona.
Mitchell: "Professor Ringmaster"?
Cameron: It's a very prestigious title at Clown College. One step below Piemaster General.
Quote from Gloria
Jay: Kids are looking for role models. Why do you think Fonzie was so popular?
Gloria: He told people that they were rich, but really took their money with his scheme?
Jay: No, that's a- Yes. Those people were victims of a Fonzie scheme.
Quote from Manny
Manny: Salutations, Wyatt. I'm so glad you're joining me for an afternoon of mirth.
Manny: Ah, good evening, Reuben-San. May I ask you to remove your shoes? Tonight, we are going Japanese.
Manny: Ah! Hebalaboo ridabeley lai mubay rumboo. I invented a new language this morning.