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Season 1, Episode 1 - Aired September 23, 2009

Jay is upset when somebody confuses him for Gloria's father, while Manny intends to declare his love for an older girl. Phil is forced to be the tough parent when Luke accidentally shoots Alex with a BB gun, while Claire tries to keep Hayley from going too far with her new friend Dylan. Meanwhile, Mitchell and Cameron arrive home from Vietnam with an adopted baby girl.

Quote from Phil

Phil: Lily? Isn't that gonna be hard for her to say?
Claire: Phil.


Quote from Jay

Mitchell: Do you wanna meet grandpa?
Jay: You kidding? She's one of us now! Let me see that little potsticker! Hey, you're a cutie, aren't you!

Quote from Phil

Phil: Luke, so far, he hasn't beaten me at basketball. But, when the day comes that he does win, if, you know, if when he beats me. I'm just gonna be like, well done! Well done! Just let him, just support him. In that kind of stuff. I mean, I'd probably want to go, like two out of three and see what happens then.

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