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Quote from Phil in Two Monkeys and a Panda

Claire: Honey, you guys are both pretty smart.
Phil: Ah. Sheesh. It's that sweater, huh?
Claire: Yeah, it is that sweater. And I did everything I can to stop them from fighting.
Phil: I don't understand why they can't see how much you love them.
Claire: I don't know. Meanwhile, Cheryl has been calling me all day because she's angry I didn't show up.
Phil: Doesn't Cheryl have a housekeeper and a nanny? Why does she need so much help?
Claire: I know, right?
Phil: You work so hard. You do so much.
Claire: I do.
Phil: Of course you do.
Claire: I do. I do. Oh, sweetie, thank you. I really appreciate that.

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