Reese Quote #401

Quote from Reese in Malcolm Visits College

Reese: [picks up pay phone] ...and the delivery's on time? Good. I've got a lot of hungry customers. [hangs up] Oh, hey, Christie, I didn't see you. Are you ready? I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised by how much ice cream I can eat.
Christie: Look, Reese, um, you know, we got coffee, and we saw a movie, and we went skating. I thought hanging out with you would involve a little more... partying. Don't you have like a friend or maybe someone you know of or someone you heard rumors about that could help us out?
Reese: Hey, I got to trust somebody before I party with them.
Christie: You trust me, don't you?
Reese: Not yet, but there must be some way a hot girl like you can get a desperate guy like me to trust you. Hey, why don't we go park by the river and see if we can think of something.


 ‘Malcolm Visits College’ Quotes

Quote from Reese

Reese: Wait a second. You guys are talking about college for Malcolm and not me? I'm a year older than he is. Why aren't you taking me to look at colleges?
Hal: [stammers] Well, son...
Reese: [laughs] I'm just screwing with you. Relax.

Quote from Malcolm

Malcolm: [to camera] I have my first college visit coming up. I get to stay overnight in a dorm, tour the campus and spend 18 hours pretending my family doesn't exist. I actually skipped all the way to school today. I probably should've stopped once I passed the football field, but who cares? My body may have been stuffed in a trash can, but my mind was taking a shower with a college chick.

Quote from Reese

Reese: Come on, there's tons of reasons to go out with a guy like me. To make your dad mad, or your boyfriend jealous. Maybe you just hate yourself, or have a sick curiosity. I don't know! I can't do all the work for you! [to Malcolm] I thought I at least I had a chance with the fat ride.
Malcolm: Did you actually call her that?
Reese: Hey, I didn't make her fat.