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Quote from Reese in Malcolm Visits College

Reese: [picks up pay phone] ...and the delivery's on time? Good. I've got a lot of hungry customers. [hangs up] Oh, hey, Christie, I didn't see you. Are you ready? I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised by how much ice cream I can eat.
Christie: Look, Reese, um, you know, we got coffee, and we saw a movie, and we went skating. I thought hanging out with you would involve a little more... partying. Don't you have like a friend or maybe someone you know of or someone you heard rumors about that could help us out?
Reese: Hey, I got to trust somebody before I party with them.
Christie: You trust me, don't you?
Reese: Not yet, but there must be some way a hot girl like you can get a desperate guy like me to trust you. Hey, why don't we go park by the river and see if we can think of something.

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