Malcolm Quote #335

Quote from Malcolm in Clip Show

Dr. Kennedy: There was a lot of damage done to that car.
Malcolm: Somebody else must have driven it because it wasn't us.
Dr. Kennedy: OK, let's back up. Let's talk about the home.
Reese: It's a dump. There's a leak in the roof right above my bed.
Dr. Kennedy: No, I'd like to know about your family life.
Malcolm: Look, don't analyse us. You can poke and prod and delve all you want, but you're not gonna find any psychological issues, okay? We're normal.


 ‘Clip Show’ Quotes

Quote from Malcolm

Dr. Kennedy: And you have another brother, Francis?
Reese: Yeah, did they tell you what they did to him?
Malcolm: It's a classic first-born scenario: a free-and-easy couple suddenly has a kid and their whole world's turned upside down. And even after there's other kids, the oldest one becomes a symbol for everything wrong in their lives, through no fault of his own.

Quote from Hal

Hal: My wife told you about the car?
Dr. Kennedy: Yes, the joyriding incident.
Hal: $700 worth of damage! We are at our wits' end with these boys. I am authorizing you to do whatever it takes. Drugs, brainwashing, electroshock...
Dr. Kennedy: Maybe I'll start with talking.
Hal: You're the expert. [to the boys] You do whatever the doctor says. You better be cured when I get back!

Quote from Reese

Malcolm: This is ridiculous! We didn't take their car!
Reese: We were watching TV all night. We were being good. Well, I mean I had some stuff scheduled for later, but...