Lois Quote #242

Quote from Lois in Reese's Job

Dewey: Good morning, everybody! Say good morning, Charlie. Show everyone how alive you are.
Malcolm: [to camera] My parents made a deal with Dewey. If he keeps his goldfish alive for two months, he gets a dog.
Dewey: Am I doing a good job?
Lois: You sure are. [quietly] How is that fish still alive?
Hal: I don't know! He never feeds it. He leaves it out in the sun for hours. Last week there was an old banana peel in there.
Lois: I do not want a dog in this house.
Hal: Lois, if the fish lives, there's nothing we can do!
Lois: Hal, I expect you to take care of this.
Hal: What are you suggesting?
Lois: I'm not suggesting anything. I just want it taken care of.


 ‘Reese's Job’ Quotes

Quote from Craig

Craig: Excuse me. Can I get some help here?
Reese: Hi, Craig.
Craig: So... I overheard your mom talking on the phone and it's true. You've got a job. I applied here once. Didn't get it. It's all politics.
Reese: I guess. So whaddya want?
Craig: I want you to listen carefully. My blood sugar's dangerously low so I don't wanna any burn up calories repeating myself. I want the jumbo clown burger with the big top fries, no pickles, a slice of onion, make sure its center-cut, and extra tomatoes. Now, let's do the patty well on one side, and medium on the other. And make sure they open a fresh package for my bun. If it's stale, I bail. [chuckles] Seriously.
Reese: That comes to $5.45 and you get free refills on the soda.
Craig: Heard that one before. Turns out it's just for today.

Quote from Reese

Lois: Reese, you wanna drive you get your license, you have to pay for your own insurance!
Reese: Yeah, but if everyone else is insured then why do I need to? They've got it covered.
Hal: Son, it's not as simple as that. You see...

Quote from Hal

Hal: [to himself in the mirror] Where did you come from, flubber? "Hello, Hal." [sings] I'm so full of bacon, my body's meant for shakin' [makes drum beat noises] And when I start to wiggle, my nipples, they will jiggle [makes whooping noises]
Lois: [in the bath] Once again I have to be embarrassed for the both of us.
Hal: Yep!