Craig Quote #101

Quote from Craig in Malcolm's Job

Craig: [to Malcolm] Thanks for taking the heat off me. I forgot my shoes again.


 ‘Malcolm's Job’ Quotes

Quote from Lois

Malcolm: Why do you do this to me?
Lois: Malcolm, I know this is hard for you. You're growing up. You're sick of living under my authority. You want me to cut you some slack. You're wondering when I'll finally see you as an adult. Well... that's never going to happen. That's just not the way it works. You can move away from home, you can get married, even have kids of your own, you can even become a professor of physics at MIT. I will always be your mother. And that's just the way it is until one of us dies. You want to put your head between your knees for a few seconds?
Malcolm: No, I'm okay. Look... will you please just give me one thing? Please stop smoking.
Lois: I already quit.
Malcolm: Are you lying?
Lois: Of course not.

Quote from Reese

Hal: Wow. How do they get the meat this tender?
Reese: Well, that's the thing about veal. Imagine if you took Jamie and put him in a little box where he would never see daylight. You don't let him move so his muscles don't get all tough. He's basically blind and you force-feed him nothing but milk. [cutesy voice to Jamie] That's what makes him taste so good.

Quote from Malcolm

Malcolm: This is ridiculous! You're being completely arbitrary and asinine. One minute you're telling me I'm doing a great job, and the next minute you're writing me up!
Lois: You broke the rules, Malcolm.
Malcolm: Come on, that box-flattening area is a stupid rule. You know I'm right.
Lois: Albert is a grade-five employee. He has put in 20 years of service time. Sometimes that's more important than what's right or wrong.
Malcolm: Who are you?!
Lois: Stop being so melodramatic.
Malcolm: No, seriously, I want to know. Because the mother I know has spent her entire life ranting about always doing the right thing, no matter what the cost, no matter how unpopular it is, and now you're standing here getting all caught up in who's a grade five and blindly obeying authority.
Lois: Honestly, Malcolm, where'd you get the idea that a job is supposed to be fun?
Malcolm: That's not what I'm talking about!
Lois: The truth is, work is hard and miserable and nobody likes doing it.