Otto Quote #30

Quote from Otto in Academic Octathalon

Otto: That silly fighting. Let us never do that again. That is not us.
Gretchen: No.
Otto: I don't know what came over me.
Gretchen: Oh, me, neither, hmm? We will never speak of this again, hmm?
Otto: Of what? See, I already forgot it. [laughs]


 ‘Academic Octathalon’ Quotes

Quote from Lois

Lois: Reese, how many times have I told you? No ice cream in the living room. You're dripping all over the rug! [Reese throws his ice cream on the floor] Are you crazy?!
Reese: No, just extremely disrespectful. I mean, what are you going to do with a kid like me? Ground me?
Lois: You bet I am. One week in your room. No TV, no video games, no contact with the outside world. After you take Alison to the dance.
Reese: What?!
Lois: Reese, you made a promise to that girl and you are going to keep it.
Reese: But how did you-?
Lois: Look, Reese, some people are born book-smart. Others are born crafty and street-smart. You, I'm afraid, are neither.

Quote from Mr. Herkabe

Mr. Herkabe: Octathletes, I have news. One of my informers has just reported to me that the science portion of this competition will be based on organic chemistry, so break out your textbooks. We'll start with chapters 23, 24, 42, 44, 45...
Lloyd: Sir? I'm supposed to take a two-hour nap on the bus, or I'll get cranky.
Mr. Herkabe: Of course. Would you like us all to sing you a lullaby, or perhaps, I could wad up my jacket and make a pillow for you?
Lloyd: I have my own pillow, thank you. I just need some help blowing it up.
Mr. Herkabe: I've had it with this bellyaching! If any of you are not fully committed to this team, you are more than welcome to get off the bus right now. Driver, open the doors. [bus slows down] I did not say stop. I said open the doors.

Quote from Reese

Reese: Isn't she cute when she gets excited? Her cheeks get all red, and then she gets a little twinkle in her eye. I've got to tell you, I'm a lucky guy.
Malcolm: So you're really going to spring for a limo and tux and all that?
Reese: Hell, no. We're not going to that dance. It would practically wipe out my leather jacket fund.
Malcolm: What are you talking about?
Reese: I've got it all worked out. I let her think we're going, and then right before the dance, I pick a giant fight. She gets so mad at me, she doesn't want to go, and then the next day, I apologize, she takes me back, and it's smooth sailing until her birthday.