Francis Quote #105

Quote from Francis in Traffic Ticket

Francis: [on the phone] Mom, just calm down!
Lois: I was in jail, Francis! Jail! All because you didn't pay your parking tickets! How could you have gotten 16 parking tickets?!
Francis: It's not my fault. You keep me stuck here. When I come home, I have so much living to do, I don't have time to look for legal parking.
Lois: You listen, mister. Your irresponsible behavior has finally caught up with you, and you are going to suffer the consequences! You are paying those parking tickets!
Francis: You know, Mom, jail has really hardened you.
Lois: I'm serious, Francis, you are paying us back that money for those tickets plus $145 to get the car out of impound. That means you owe us $747.13.
Francis: This is totally unfair! None of this would have happened if you weren't such a reckless driver.
Lois: Excuse me?
Francis: When I parked too close to a mailbox, I didn't endanger anybody's life.
Lois: I didn't endanger anyone. I was pulled over by a corrupt cop for a traffic violation that I didn't commit.
Francis: Oh, but when I tell you I've been framed by the police, you send me to military school. Ironic, isn't it?
Lois: That cop was out to get me.
Francis: Of course he was. Everyone's out to get you. And the neighbor's cat's the ringleader. Didn't you know that?
Lois: Ha-ha, you can laugh all you want, Francis, but until you come up with the money, you are not coming home.
Francis: Where am I supposed to get $700? You're just using this as an excuse to keep me here.
Lois: Yeah, that's right. It was the cat's idea.


 ‘Traffic Ticket’ Quotes

Quote from Reese

Reese: Just remember, Mom, in a world of lies, truth is your only weapon. [off everyone's looks] What? It's not?

Quote from Francis

Malcolm: [on the phone] Hey, Francis. You know Mom's traffic ticket? Well, I have a videotape, and it shows that Mom really was at fault, and...
Francis: She was wrong?
Malcolm: Yeah, and now I'm trying to figure...
Francis: What are you talking to me for? You have incontrovertible proof that Mom was wrong. Shove it in her face.
Malcolm: Francis, I don't think that's a good idea.
Francis: Are you kidding? It's brilliant. From now on, whenever she gets all high-and-mighty with us, we can just throw this back at her.
Malcolm: Francis, I can't. If I show Mom this tape, she'll go crazy and then she'll kill the messenger, which is me. You're asking me to commit suicide.
Francis: And think of the look on her face!

Quote from Craig

Craig: Lois, Lois... I give Officer Stockton a discount. You know, policeman's discount? [whispers] 100% off?
Lois: Craig, I can't do that.
Craig: But, Lois...
Officer Stockton: Don't worry about it. It's okay, Greg. [walks away]
Craig: It's "Craig." [to Lois] What are you, crazy? Don't you know how this works? We scratch his back, he scratches ours? We give him a few candy bars, he looks out for us. It's called protection.
Lois: Craig, we have been robbed five times in the last six months.
Craig: Lois, think of all the places he gets free stuff from. He can't be everywhere at once.