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Quote from Hal in Malcolm's Car

Lois: Hal, this isn't working for me.
Hal: Well, that's because you don't scrunch and spritz like I told you to.
Lois: No, this. Look. Craig is flaking out on me. I'm pulling double shifts for him and every time I come home, it's full of people. I never have any time alone. There is hair everywhere. And I do not like the way you are standing lately.
Hal: Lois, these women are walking out of here with a glow. It's wonderful.
Lois: Well, can't you at least some of the money you're making to hire a cleaning lady?
Hal: I'm not accepting money for this!
Lois: What?!
Hal: I am transforming these women, Lois. I won't soil that with money. And it's not just the hair. They confide in me. They need someone to listen to their problems. You wouldn't believe what some of these women are going through. Nancy, she's getting audited. Margie's husband has a gambling problem. And Paula in there, she is having an affair.
Lois: What?!
Hal: Yes, for the last five months. It's some guy she's pretending to take golf lessons with.

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