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Quote from Francis in Lois vs. Evil

Tanya: Oh, Francis, you are just wonderful. I mean, you're so different than the local boys. I mean, I haven't even known you that long and I already feel so connected to you.
Francis: I know. It's almost mystical.
Tanya: Yeah, and I'm so glad the gay thing isn't an issue.
Francis: You're gay?
Tanya: No, no, silly. You are.
Francis: Wait. You think I'm gay?
Tanya: Oh, you don't have to hide anything, honey. I mean, we're a lot more liberal here than you think we are. I mean, it's not like Birmingham.
Francis: Wait a minute. You think I'm gay? Why do you think I'm gay?
Tanya: Oh, come on. You like the theater, you're good with decorating and, well, you're completely obsessed with your mother. Can you undo my hooks?
Francis: Tanya, I'm kind of having a dilemma here.
Dina: Oh, great. Frannie, can you spray me? My suit keeps riding up. [giggles]
Francis: That's why I'm here... girlfriend!

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